

The Educational Research Institute publishes two journals on Pedagogy and Education, Netla and TUM. 


Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education (Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun) publishes academic articles in Icelandic and English, as well as reports on development projects, discursive and reflective articles, essays, interviews, publication announcements and critical abstracts relating to the disciplines of pedagogy and education. 


Icelandic Journal of Education (Tímarit um Uppeldi og Menntun) is an academic journal in the field of educational science jointly published by the School of Education at the University of Iceland, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Akureyri and the Educational Research Association. The main objective of the journal is to enhance knowledge and professional debate on matters relating to pedagogy and education in Iceland by publishing academic materials in the form of peer-reviewed articles, reviews and detailed critical appraisals. A prerequisite for the publication of peer-reviewed articles is that they comprise innovative content and have not been published elsewhere. Articles can be in Icelandic or English, although articles in English must contain innovative material of international interest; cf. guidelines for authors.



The Educational Research Institute publishes reports and articles from School of Education academics and ERI staff. 

To see a list of articles, please visit this webpage (in Icelandic).


Professional volumes

The Educational Research Institute publishes professional volumes. 

To see a list published works, please visit this webpage (in Icelandic).


Interactive data application (Gagnvirk vefforit)

The Educational Research Institute gathers data through national surveys and research projects and provides access to researchers and other stakeholders. The data is published and accessible via an interactive data application.

Here is a list of interactive data resource projects.