About ERI

About ERI

The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is an academic and research institute housed in the School of Education at the University of Iceland.


The main role of the Educational Research Institute is to strengthen and support research within the School of Education. Approximately twenty research centres operate under the Institute.

The Institute supports research teams and individual researchers by offering assistance to researchers applying for domestic and international competitive research grants, as well as other funding. The Institute also provides services regarding most aspects of research, including assistance with the dissemination of research findings, advice on research procedures and support for development projects carried out in the School of Education.

Additional members at board meetings of the Educational Research Institute:

The Educational Research Institute is in collaboration with diverse bodies within and outside the School of Education.

To name a few: 

  • Scientific Committee of the School of Education (Vísindanefnd Menntavísindasviðs)
  • School of Education doctoral studies committee (Doktorsnámsnefnd Menntavísindasviðs)
  • Division of Science and Innovation (Vísinda og nýsköpunarsvið Háskóla Íslands)
  • Scientific Committee of the University of Iceland (Vísindanefnd Háskóla Íslands)
  • Ministry of Education and Children (Mennta og barnamálaráðuneytið)
  • Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (Háskóla-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðuneytið)
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (Félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytið)
  • Directorate of Education (Menntamálastofnun)
  • Department of Education & Youth under Reykjavík city (Skóla- og frístundasvið Reykjavíkurborgar)
  • Icelandic Association of Local Authorities (Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga)
  • Education and Training Service Center (ETSC) (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins)
  • Iðan Education Centre (IÐAN fræðslusetur)


School of Education


105 Reykjavík


Email: menntavisindastofnun@hi.is

Tel: +354 525-4000

Book a consultation here

Contact us


Picture of Kristín Harðardóttir Kristín Harðardóttir Director 5254165 krishar [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/is/persons/af388d69-47cc-46ca-9b00-7188e2afabef Educational Research Institute

Doctoral studies

Picture of Sigrún Sif Eyfeld Jóelsdóttir Sigrún Sif Eyfeld Jóelsdóttir
  • Project Manager
5255991 ssj [at] hi.is research method;;cognitive psychology;;visual perception;;cognitive neuropsychology;; Educational Research Institute
Picture of Steingerður Ólafsdóttir Steingerður Ólafsdóttir
  • Project Manager
5255539 steingeo [at] hi.is children;;food habits;;media;; Educational Research Institute

Research support and methodology

Picture of Ellen Dröfn Gunnarsdóttir Ellen Dröfn Gunnarsdóttir
  • Project Manager
5255593 edg [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute
Picture of Hans Haraldsson Hans Haraldsson
  • Project Manager
haha [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute
Picture of Ingibjörg Kjartansdóttir Ingibjörg Kjartansdóttir
  • Project Manager
5255339 ik [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute
Picture of Ólöf Ragna Einarsdóttir Ólöf Ragna Einarsdóttir
  • Project Manager
5255515 ore [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute
Picture of Unnar Geirdal Arason Unnar Geirdal Arason
  • Project Manager
5255514 unnargeirdal [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute

Dissemination and conferences

Picture of Íris Sigurðardóttir Íris Sigurðardóttir
  • Project Manager
5255513 irissigurdardottir [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute

Financial research support

Picture of Ellen Óttarsdóttir Ellen Óttarsdóttir
  • Project Manager
5255920 ellen [at] hi.is Educational Research Institute

Journals and publications

Picture of Anna Bjarnadóttir Anna Bjarnadóttir
  • Project Manager
5255931 annabjarnadottir [at] hi.is iris the icelandic research information system;; Educational Research Institute